R&D Support Labs for Life Sciences SMEs toward Global Competitiveness Project
R&D Support Labs for Life Sciences SMEs toward Global Competitiveness Project
R&D Support Labs for Life Sciences SMEs toward Global Competitiveness Project is carried out under the Competitive Sectors Programme, financed within the framework of the financial cooperation of the European Union and the Republic of Türkiye and implemented by the Ministry of Industry and Technology. The project beneficiary is Bogazici University.
BULifeSci operates six major core facilities, accessible to in-house and outside researchers, in addition to the provision of critical support for companies:
- Microsystem-based in-vivo Medical Device Development Unit (Clean Room), accredited with ISO 13485 & ISO 14644
- Test and Analysis Unit, including a laboratory dedicated to GLP-accredited workflows
- Animal Reproduction and Care Unit (Vivarium), accredited with an AAALAC certificate
- Pilot Production Facilities/Unit, certified with ISO 14644
- Microalgae Bioproduction Unit, working on biofuels, bioenergy, nutritional, pharmaceutical, and environmental applications
- Animal Imaging Facilities/Unit, the first preclinical animal imaging center in Türkiye, including a 7T MRI, PET and CT, with a vivarium capable of housing rats and transgenic mice. Together, they provide an infrastructure for preclinical studies of academia and SMEs with a particular focus on targeted therapies.
Units 4, 5 and 6 have been established within this project “Supply of Equipment for R&D Support Labs for Life Sciences SMEs towards Global Competitiveness” co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Türkiye under the Competitive Sectors Programme executed by the Ministry of Industry and Technology. These additional units provide critical support to companies, specifically SMEs and start-ups, in addition to providing access to in-house and outside academic research projects.
The project supports not only the development of a dedicated Business Development Unit within the Center to manage the provision of services, but also supports training of the Center’s staff by national and international experts, as well as offers training and consulting support to the SMEs in relation to the Center’s services and activities. The project activities are organised into two components, A and B.
Component A is focused on the users of the Center and deals with the current situation and detailed technical need analysis of SMEs active in the field, and the provision of training and business consulting services to a selected group of SMEs.
Component B focuses on the development of the Center itself and deals with the assessment of the BULifeSci infrastructure and operations, the establishment of the Business Development Unit with the development of a business plan, the establishment of the new services and the communication and visibility activities.

- Accelerating the R&D activities of SMEs operating in the field of Life Sciences by focusing on advanced technology and high value-added products
- To increase the existing technical equipment within BULifeSci and to develop its infrastructure
- Connecting with industry in the region and developing cooperation
- Providing support services related to preclinical animal imaging experiments and specific material characterization tests to local SMEs involved in R&D activities related to in vivo medical devices, biotech products and biomaterials
Current Situation of SMEs and Detailed Needs Analysis
- Stakeholder/SME Analysis and Diagnosis Study
- Focus Group Meetings
- Start-up and Micro SME Acceleration Support
BULifeSci Assessment and Establishment of Extended Operations
- Review of BULifeSci Operations
- Establishment of the Business Development Unit and Preparation of the Business Development Plan
- Establishment of Extended Operations
- Communication and Visibility
Focus Group Meetings Presenting Market Analysis Results to SMEs
Focused Thematic Trainings For SMEs
SME Individualised Boost Support
Visits of National Centers
Visits of International Centers
Participation to National and International Fairs
This web site has been prepared with the financial support of the European Union and the Republic of Türkiye. Only SG Yeminli Mali Müşavirlik ve Bağımsız Denetim A.Ş. is responsible for the content of the web site and in no way can it be interpreted as reflecting the views of the European Union and the Republic of Türkiye.