Animal Production and Care Unit (Vivarium) within the scope of Boğaziçi University Life Sciences and Technologies Application and Research Center (LifeSci) received a “Full Accreditation” from AAALAC International , the only worldwide evaluation and accreditation institution in the field of use of animals in scientific research. s first internationally accredited animal laboratory.
Center Director Prof. Dr. Rana Sanyal said that with the accreditation received from The Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC International) as of November 2017, it has been registered for the first time in Turkey that an animal laboratory provides services at international standards. The preparation and application processes were carried out within the scope of the “Life Sciences Sectoral Service Laboratories Accreditation Project” supported by the Istanbul Development Agency in 2016 .
Rana Sanyal, Director of the Center, stated that as a result of the examinations and evaluations made by the AAALAC International Committee, Vivarium has been awarded the International Accreditation reflecting its seriousness in realizing and maintaining high standards in the care of animals and its determination to ensure animal welfare in scientific research. Noting that there is no accreditation for the experiment-service type, he continued his explanation as follows:
This accreditation is equivalent to the international standards called Good Laboratory Practices (GLP), which evaluates the quality and soundness of scientific data in laboratories, and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), which measures the compliance of products subject to inspection with specified production criteria. AAALAC accreditation establishes a global benchmark for the quality of animal care and use programmes, supports the validity of scientific research involving animal use and its results, and provides the accountability of the relevant institution and creates the condition for the continuous improvement and advancement of animal welfare.”
Sanyal also pointed out that the result of a study conducted in the Vivarium unit can now be used in the official drug and medical device application files of the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), European Medical Agency (EMA) or Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency (TİTCK), and emphasized the importance of this development. “International accreditation for animal care and use programs in science can only be given by AAALAC International and is accepted as a symbol of correct and reliable scientific practices and quality all over the world.”
Boğaziçi University Life Sciences and Technologies Application and Research Center has three infrastructure units: Test Analysis Unit, Medical Device Development Unit and Vivarium. Assistant Professor of Molecular Biology and Genetics Department, who is the coordinator of the unit . Assoc. Dr. Necla Birgül İyison stated that the animals in Vivarium, which was established within the center with the support of the Ministry of Development in 2010, are used in scientific research projects in the pharmaceutical, food, biomedical, biotechnology, environment and biosecurity sectors. Birgül Iyison from the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock He stated that Vivarium, which has obtained permission and license, has been providing services both for the university and for the needs of public and private institutions engaged in R&D studies since 2012.
Center Manager Rana Sanyal also stated that basic scientific researches involving animals, which are widely used in medicine and biotechnology, which are among the priority R&D areas of our country, shed light on many clinical studies, and that projects that will provide breakthroughs in fields such as medicine, environment and biosecurity are Vivarium and infrastructure services . He added that it could be implemented thanks to trained and experienced personnel.
About Vivarium
Animal Production and Care Unit’ (Vivarium) within the Bogazici University Life Sciences and Technologies Application and Research Center continues to provide infrastructure for interdisciplinary projects aimed at improving the quality of life by bringing together scientists from all relevant academic disciplines. It is structured within the framework of the Regulation on the Welfare and Protection of Animals Used for and Other Scientific Purposes, published in the Official Gazette dated 13 December 2011 is controlled. At the main entrance of the laboratory, there are security camera systems and a fingerprint and card security system. As the second stage of the entrance, an air curtain sterilization system was installed. In addition, a card system is applied to enter each room. The entire laboratory is supervised by alarm systems. (click for website )
AAALAC International, the only institution with internationally recognized accreditation authority in the field of animal experiments, is a non-profit institution. More than 980 institutions including hundreds of companies, universities, hospitals, governmental institutions and research institutes in 44 different countries have received accreditation from AAALAC International. Being accredited by AAALAC also means a statement that the applicant institution or research unit will fully fulfill its responsibilities regarding the use of animals for scientific purposes. AAALAC determines the standards required for this to be done in the most appropriate way with scientific ethics, especially in the field of medicine, where there is no alternative other than the use of animals. ( click for website )