BU LifeSci European Union Horizon 2020 Teaming Project Application

Boğaziçi University Life Sciences and Technologies Application and Research Center, “ TACLiST – Teaming to Advance the Center for Life Sciences and Technologies”, applied to the European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Framework Programme. Horizon 2020 (Horizon 2020), covering the period 2014-2020, constitutes the EU’s highest coherent framework program to date, with around €80 billion devoted to research and innovation. The Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation (WIDESPREAD) area under H2020 aims to create new opportunities for cooperation and development by funding countries that are underperforming in research and innovation. In this way, it aims to make the European Research Area work in a more developed and harmonious way and to optimize the strengths of the countries. 

BÜLifeSci, which is among the 20 research centers that passed the first stage in the Teaming National Call of TÜBİTAK and the Ministry of Development at the beginning of 2016, became one of the 7 centers that passed the second stage with its more comprehensive project proposal and became one of the 7 centers that got the right to apply to the EU. WIDESPREAD (Diffusion of Excellence and Expanding Participation) Teaming calls can be submitted by research centers teaming up with Europe’s most advanced centers of excellence in science. TACLiST application result is expected to be announced in about 5 months.